om MIKU~

Birthday: January 5th (It's strawberry day!)
Bloodtype: A
Hobbies: Cooking, guitar, shopping, bathing

Food you like: Ramen, steak, sushi, Hiroshimayaki, tondon
Brands you like: LHP, JACKROSE, BLGALI, Justine Davies, ROYALORDER
Colors you like: Black, White, red, gold, silver

Cigarettes: Pianissimo 1mg
Perfume: QUASAR
Shampoo: Kur for colored hair
Piercings: four*

Message: It's nyappy o(???)o Miku. I always recieve energy from the cafekkos. Thank you. ?
I also want to become someone who gives energy to the cafekkos. Let's come to have a king-like life together.

* Miku used to list his piercings as: left ear-6, right ear-3, mouth-2


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